Pinay Booty Shakers what will be our feature for today?
Danica Torres not the FHM model but the poster of booty shake content back in 2013.
I could call her Booty Danica an uploader of booty shake content on her page.

Looking back seeing 2013 uploaders is a nice thing. To think that its already gone or maybe some pages are still hidden and not indexed. The deep web booty shake videos ain’t gonna show up on the tor network easily We need to dig on deep inside search engines more. These unindexed pages are sometimes just floating around and the search engines are flawed as hell. Keyword after keyword searches buried like a treasure throve inside the surface and deep web networks.
Lets search on yahoo 🙂

I found Domain is no longer working, but I saw some left over videos on daily motion.
I will archive this using my VideoReaper Collection Method. LMFAO
lets try

Here I saw a couple of pinay booty shakers from old uploads dating to oldest at
I remember when Highschool kids wanted to do dance covers on facebook and Youtube and it went viral, almost everybody was doing it. I remember this format very vividly, it was not that sexual but more of fun sexy dances.
As a challenge for me MR bellyshaker I will create a track for this video.
Let’s try now ‘GOOGLE.COM‘.

Browsing on I saw PBS pages on the top 10 but based on youtube as a popular website for videos. I also see a lot of pornsites and indian sex sites. This is what PBS team wants to win in terms of rankings. We want to be on the top 4 pages of google searches on the key word of pinay booty shake. Search engine peeps just comment below on what you think is best to get the 10 is to 10 Search Engine results. Lets describe what we see on
XNXX as a website and a lot of spam paysites is almost everywhere on this niche. I feel overwhelmed that the sex industry in the philippines is more popular than the trend. lets try safe search being on.
Safe search returned only 3 pages and on that search is Lorin Guiterrez on instagram doing booty shake being scolded by Ruffa with spank. Her being scolded on instagram suggests that it is not permitted in the family. Moving on.
Ending this blog post, lets try to find more booty shake videos around the internet and get these videos on our website. In the future maybe we could buy all your videos for archiving. My vision is to archive a media collection of 1000+ videos classified in time. Wish Pinaybootyshakers website on this endeavor of collecting and Purchasing / Licensing 1000+ Booty shake videos of Filipinas doing the tradition that started during the Fun Bling Swag Era of Hiphop till today and counting forward.
Pass your videos or offer for purchase at